Attila Faragó
Coding and swdev · Leadership · AFOL · STEM educator · Tinkerer · Smart Home · 3D-printing

STEM education and EduTech

FIRST LEGO League and World Robot Olympiad

Coach, educator, organizer, SPIKE, EV3 hacker
[FLL] coach, volunteer, judge, referree, national head judge | 2014-
[WRO] coach, volunteer, table judge, head judge | 2023-

Link to my STEM Education and LEGO projects.

Tinkering, Electronics and Smart Home projects

Link to my tinkering, electronics and smart home projects

Cloud based misc projects

SAP Labs CEE Hub Programming Competition 2023

SAP Labs CEE Hub Programming Competition 2023
The goal of each team is to implement a client to ace the Dead-Man's-Draw card game using their language and tools of choice.

During the competition period there are be several practice tournaments, while the competition closes with a grand tournament where teams' solutions compete against each other and the most victorious teams ace the SLCEE-PC-2023.

Node app, hosted on GCP, Google App Engine.

Article: Six lessons learnt while deploying a coding competition code as a Google Cloud Platform App.