Tinkering, Electronics and 3D-printing

A microcontroller is a compact integrated circuit designed to govern a specific operation in an embedded system. A typical microcontroller includes a processor, memory and input/output (I/O) peripherals on a single chip. Some of my favorite MCUs include Arduino Uno, Espressif ESP8266, Espressif ESP32.

Note: My soldering skills were basic and are improving - apologies and celebrate the improvements with me.

DSC Alarm · Smarthome interface

smarthome esp8266 esphome

Energy meter · Smarthome interface

smarthome esp8266 esphome

Heating control · Smarthome interface

smarthome esp8266 Computherm Q8RF

Testing different displays for MCU

esp8266 esphome oled

Battery testing and Low-Energy Smart Devices

esp8266 esphome smarthome

Experiments to create low-energy smarthome sensor solutions

  1. Wifi to HomeAssistant - V1
    Using Wemos D1 Mini V1 still draws a 2-3mA high deep_sleep current.
  2. Wifi to HomeAssistant - V3
    Improved deep_sleep current - 200uA. This resulted in a 980mAh to be able to push a measurement every 60 seconds 4,237 times before the battery was depleted, resulting in a 3.1 days total runtime.
  3. BTHome over ESPNow
    As a second experiment I was using ESP-NOW channel, reducing complete active time to 1,150 milliseconds resulting and increase 26,106 cycles of a 17.5 days total runtime with the same 980mAh battery of 60 second cycle time.
    With additional improvements could reduce it to ~250ms ac tive connection time with over 40,000 cycles.
Key details:

Gasmeter · Smarthome interface

LYWSD03MMC esphome smarthome

Key details: Initial iterations:
  1. ESP MCU -- failed as I have no stable 220AC or 5DC near the meter.
  2. Xiaomi LYWSD03MMC temperature meter with custom firmware

3D Printing Finished Notification

smarthome shelly 3dprinting

Home Automation workshop using ESP8266 Wemos D1 toolkit and shields using ESPHome

smarthome training

Step-by-step project instructions and tutorial for SAP Labs Hungary d-shop 2022 session.

3D Printing Training

3dprinting training

TODOs - projects to document as time allows

  • Smart cat door with entry sensor