Battery testing and Low-Energy Smart Devices
Experiments to create low-energy smarthome sensor solutions
- Wifi to HomeAssistant - V1
Using Wemos D1 Mini V1 still draws a 2-3mA high deep_sleep current. - Wifi to HomeAssistant - V3
Improved deep_sleep current - 200uA. This resulted in a 980mAh to be able to push a measurement every 60 seconds 4,237 times before the battery was depleted, resulting in a 3.1 days total runtime. - BTHome over ESPNow
As a second experiment I was using ESP-NOW channel, reducing complete active time to 1,150 milliseconds resulting and increase 26,106 cycles of a 17.5 days total runtime with the same 980mAh battery of 60 second cycle time.
With additional improvements could reduce it to ~250ms ac tive connection time with over 40,000 cycles.
Key details:
- Hardware: Wemos D1 Mini V3, Espressif 8266
- Programming: BTHome and Beethowen Components custom component.
- Implementing Low-Energy Smart Devices with Several Years of Independence